Saturday, January 14, 2012

What's your worst vacation ever and what's the funniest thing that happened on the way down?

I have two: This one is the worst trip I have ever had......I went to Gulf Shores, Alabama.

It was the day after school gotten out and we were going to Gulf Shores, Alabama the next day. I woke up the next morning with the chicken pox and I didn't want to go but ended up going. So we go to Columbus to my aunt and uncles house and we get there and my aunt rented a 7 passenger mini- van and there was eight of us going. Plus we had all of our stuff in the back of the van and the tent next to the sliding door. We were packed in like sardines. It was horrible and I don't know how many times we had to stop, but we finally got there went in to the motel for the weekend and for that week we stayed in the park in the tent---we stayed next to really big pond/lake with Alligators in it. It was okay after we went to The Pink Oleander hotel for that last part of the weekend of that vacation.

What's your worst vacation ever and what's the funniest thing that happened on the way down?
Well SodaSippingBugGirl

You asked for it

When I was eighteen-- many many years ago -- myself and two friends ventured to the wilds of Colorado for what was to be our "coming of age" camping adventure of a lifetime !!

We had very little money -- but, since we were going to be "camping out" we really didn't think we needed much !!

We broke down in the car TWICE on the way there and only pulled our butts out of THAT by way of some really great folks who helped us out --- but, it DID take dang near every cent we had over the actual GAS to get to and from our destination -- but, what the hell -- onward we went --- we got there -- a National Park setting -- and found that it was going to cost us $7 a day to camp there -- well, there went the "getting home money" --- but, what the hell, we're there, right ? So, onward we go !! Set up and laid the campsite out --- and started our evening campfire --- and, it starts to rain ------and rain ----- and rain ----and, you guessed it --- rained !!! Two freaking days !!! The entire park was flooding !! They actually came in and told us we had to leave !! Wouldn't even refund the unused part of our camping fee !! We had spent two days in the tent --- eating cold can goods --- and the inside of the tent was soaked from us having to go out and back in so much --- we were actually sleeping in wet sleeping bags --- God, it was awful !!!

We rolled up our drenched gear and tossed it all in the back of the old beat up van ---- and, you guessed it, it wouldn't start !! We sit in that van for almost 20 hours until the Park dudes came back around to bodily remove us from the now 3 day "flood" !! They had to actually PULL us to the entrance of the Park with a truck !!

We caught a ride into the nearest town in a garbage truck !! And, called home for someone to send us some cash !! I won't go into the details of THAT snaffu --- but, it took eight collect calls to get hold of someone to help !!

Then we had to wait for almost twelve hours for the Western Union Moneygram to arrive --- spent that time in a coffee shop --- with no money to pay them for the coffee !! We just sit there drinking coffee -- borrowing their phone to check on our money with Western Union ---we must have drank five gallons of coffee in that twelve hours !! When the money came -- we had to give them one of our watches for the bill in order to leave to GET our money !!

I won't even get into the hell at home once we arrived !!! But, the thing that topped it all off --- after everything was said and done ---- once we were back on the road to Texas --- the absolute SECOND that we got to the Colorado border ---- the Sun came out !!!! The clouds rolled away !!!! The weather turned genuinely PERFECT !!! It was like THE CURSE OF THE MOUNTAIN GODS HAD LIFTED !!!!

I will never forget this trip if I live to be three hundred !! It is the single most insane thing that I have ever been party to in my life !! Of the three of us that were on that trip --- only two of us remain alive today --- we lost Randal some five years ago --- but, to this day --- when Dave and I see one another -- which is only about once every five or six years --- one of the first things said --- by one or the other of us --- is --- want to go on a trip ???? And, then, we just laugh for hours !!!!
Reply:My young daughter and myself were due to fly back to the UK from JFK. We had a fantastic time in NY and spent all the money we took with us. When we arrived at the airport we saw our flight has been cancelled. The Kuwait Airways Rep arranged for us to board a flight to Paris and from there we would then board a flight to the UK.

When we arrived in France we found Kuwait Airways had not booked us a flight to the UK. After hours of queing (by now feeling pretty hungry and no money to buy any food) and explaining why me and my daughter were stranded in France we managed to board a flight to the UK that was leaving in 15 mins. When I asked about our luggage the woman said our luggage would automatically be transferred onto our UK flight. We ran and just made it for boarding just in time.

When we arrived at London..........Guess what...No Luggage!!! It was still in France.

At last though we were home.

We did have our luggage delivered to us at home the next day.

When I look back, the funny side of it has to be....I was in New York, London and Paris all in 1 day.
Reply:The worst travel I had is when I went to Singapore. I got flu, cough and sore throat on my second day in Singapore. I did not enjoy much because I was not feeling well. I miss going to famous parks and places there because of that.

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