Sunday, January 8, 2012

Whats gonna happen if I eat more than 20 oleander seeds?

just curious.

Whats gonna happen if I eat more than 20 oleander seeds?
Well, according to a 1999 article by Eddleston %26amp; Warrell:

"Ingestion of oleander seeds or leaves is a common cause of accidental poisoning worldwide, particularly among children. ... In Sri Lanka, cases of attempted suicide with yellow oleander were extremely rare before 1980. During that year, the deaths of two girls who intentionally ate yellow oleander seeds was widely reported in local newspapers. The practice suddenly became so popular that the number of cases admitted to Jaffna hospital increased from zero in 1979 to 103 in 1983. Since then it has continued to gain in popularity as a method of self-harm. Currently, several thousand cases occur each year; at least 10% of the patients die, mostly young women and children who have eaten the seeds in response to stressful events."

For more, see:

So, I don't recommend it!
Reply:It will start a nuclear fission process the likes that mankind has never seen. For the love of god ............

I really have no idea
Reply:i don't know for sure, but they poisonous so maybe it will kill you, not sure
Reply:an oleander tree will grow in your stomach,

now go wash your hands billy, it's almost dinner time!
Reply:They will grow inside you and you will die.
Reply:i dont know what does are but i dont think anything will happen
Reply:well why don't you try it and then get back to us


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